Board of Assessors
Meeting Minutes
December 4, 2012
The meeting was opened at 6:00 p.m.
Present: P. Murphy, S. Wechsler, C. Keville and G. Thompson
Chairman: B. Kelley
Old Business
- 27 Moody Street – A letter from George S. Norton Attorney at Law was received and reviewed. Peter motioned to accept the letter. Sandy requested further discussion. Ginny notified the board that, according to Robert’s Rules of Order, no discuss can be had without a second on Peter’s motion. Budd seconded the motion. Sandy identified some inequities in the letter. On the first page it suggests that the boundary lines reflect the current state between lots 12 and 13. Then on the second to last paragraph it is suggested that “Map R40 lot 13 be revised to reflect the most recent description of Lot 2 as shown on the examiner’s sketch.” As discussion continued Ginny noted that the assessors can add a smaller lot to a larger lot for assessment purposes.
Sandy would like this question posed to the attorney: “What do you mean by revise to reflect the most recent description? Peter withdrew his motion to accept the letter as written. Peter motioned to table the item. Budd seconded the motion. Sandy will review the packet and call the attorney to gain better clarification.
- 12 Maple Street - Budd told the board that he had another discussion with Mrs. Meserve and that there was a lot of back story behind the lots in question. He reported that the property was not placed in the newspaper for nonpayment because of the ownership question. In review Ginny noted that map changes should be made for FY2013. Carrie informed the board that she suggested an abatement application be submitted for 12 Maple Street as it is an unbuildable lot as it stands now. Budd motioned to send the actual FY2013 tax bill for 12 Maple St. to Dana Blackadar, Trustee of the 10 Maple Street Realty Trust with a mailing address of 10 Maple Street, Byfield. Sandy seconded the motion. All were in favor. What action to be taken with regard to the FY2012 bill was unknown. The stated fact
is, that no abatement can be made.
Normal Business:
- Minutes 11/6, 10/30, 10/23, 10/16 – These minutes were read. The 10/30/2012 were accepted with corrections. Peter and Budd accepted 10/16 and 10/23 minutes. 10/30 and 11/6 were accepted by all in favor.
- Monthly Manager’s Meeting update - held 3rd Wednesday of each month, next 11/21/12
- ATB – Loveday motion to dismiss filed 11/21/2012 -
- RE & PP Abatements – 63 Northern Blvd. PP to be abated FY2012 – Carrie submitted a personal property abatement for FY2012 to be abated under Chpt. 59
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Meeting Minutes
December 4, 2012
Section 82. The property was sold in 2010; therefore, it was an erroneous error to bill for FY2012. A FY2013 will be sent for submission upon the third quarter.
- Office work - A project given to the office last week to supply taxable value to lots in the business/light industrial zone was discussed. Discussion included how best to develop the list. Ideas thought possible, quickly proved non-feasible. Ginny suggested running reports by land use code. Carrie and Budd informed her that this would not work for the application needed. Ginny advised the board that the billing process should be the number one priority right now and nothing should be placed above that priority. The report was completed and submitted by Carrie having been given the individual list of the specific lots. Project was submitted timely.
New Business:
Mapping - tabled
7 Riverside Drive – Carrie submitted deeds for review. She informed the board of the phone call received by one of the record owners reported the other record owner’s demise. After discussion, Sandy motioned to send the FY2013 bill to both the current record owner and the estate of the other. Peter seconded the motion. All were in favor.
An email was received by the Town Clerk from John Snowden regarding Map R39 Lot 2. It was titled GENERAL COMMENTS TO THE TOWN. The complaint accused the assessors of “committing fraud.” See attached email. After discussion, Budd motioned to have any property where there is question regarding title be sent to Tracy Blais, Town Administrator to go for title search. Sandy seconded the motion and all were in favor.
Budd noted to all present that no future paperwork should come from the assessor’s office that resembles a bill.
Ginny noted that the new ownership should come to the assessor’s office after tax title. The ownership would be changed from then forward.
At 7:35 p.m. Budd motioned to adjourn the meeting. Peter seconded the motion. All were in favor.
F. “Budd” Kelley, Chairman
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Sanford Wechsler E. Peter Murphy